Lecture Application
Free 25-minute lectures are offered throughout the day.
We draw public interest by providing a diverse presentation.
Applications are reviewed and selected according to
public interest, education, and variety.​
Unfortunately, a lecture spot for every vendor cannot be guaranteed,
as only one lecture is presented at a time so there is limited space,
causing us to turn some applicants away each event.
As always, we will advertise the lecture schedule in The Coeur d'Alene Press,
to our email group, and on Facebook, as well as on this website.
A program with the lecture schedule and vendor contact information will be
given to all attendees as they enter the Festival.
The purpose of these lectures is to teach the audience about your passion,
not to give a sales pitch. Please keep this in mind when planning your lecture.
You must teach them a skill or share a piece of wisdom they can take home and use.