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FREE  LECTURES      OCT 5, 2024


10:30  INCREASE YOUR JOY IN LIFE - Kristi Putnam, Unlimited Possibilities Energy Medicine

Join Kristi to discover how elevating your vibration through the Transformational Vibrational Upgrade System can amplify joy in every facet of your life.


11:00  IMPORTANCE OF THE NORTH NODE - Jason Doud, Tao of Astrology

Many are familiar with the Rising Sign and Sun Sign, but few understand the North Node and how it affects your journey.  Join Jason for an exciting exploration of the North Nodes importance and meaning.


11:30  ASK YOUR GUIDES ANYTHING - Shelly Mathews, That Pendulum Reader

Join Shelly to learn how a pendulum reading connects you with your Higher Guides to get answers to your most pressing questions. 


12:00  WORKING WITH YOUR ANGELS - Cindy Gardner, Psychic Angel Readings

Cindy will share her vast experience in working with Angels, helping you make the best use of these heavenly helpers. She'll share tools to help you be aware of their presence & receive their assistance.


12:30  PSYCHIC PANEL - Cindy Gardner, Psychic Angel Readings & Steve Kaye Intrinsic Psychic Card Readings share their psychic abilities by doing readings for the audience.


 1:00   EXPLORING SOMATIC WISDOM - Matthew Chavez, Third Eye Gemini - Soma Breath

Matthew will teach you how to tap into the innate intelligence of your body & your inner parts for clarity, direction and healing.


 1:30  WHAT YOUR FUTURE HOLDS IN NUMBERS - Suzan Owens, Numerology

Join Suzan to look into what the rest of 2024 holds for you as well as what's coming in 2025. Knowing the number vibrations helps you to manifest a fulfilling and rewarding year.


 2:00  YOUR JOURNEY BACK TO SOURCE - Cindy Jordan, Marconics

Integrate multidimensional frequencies and transcend the 3-D experience.  Cindy Jordan will teach you how to begin your journey back to Source, step along your path of ascension and claim your Soul Severeignty.     


 2:30  DIZZINESS & VERTIGO - Dr. Jeff Hannah,  Clear Chiropractic 

Your brain uses a HUGE amount of bandwidth to keep you upright. Dr. Hannah will share his personal experience dealing with dizziness, as well as the things he has learned professionally so you can enjoy the things in life that matter most to you.


 3:00  BOUNDARIES NEED FLEXIBLE PARAMETERS - James Barfoot, Intentional Hypnosis LLC

Are your boundaries being crossed by the people you want to keep out while keeping away people that you would like to let in?  Then you need to attend this lecture and talk with James Barfoot!


 3:30  SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE DISCUSSION - Lenore Costello, Spokane Eckankar

This discussion offers time to share or listen to others explore opportunities of connecting with Divine Spirit.  Join this discussion for validation of your experiences as well as deepening your knowledge.


 4:00  QIGONG FOR HEALTH - Stacey Cozza, Qi Balance / QI GONG 

Join Certified Practice Group Leader, Stacey Cozza, in this lecture to follow along and experience the “5 Elements - Spring Forest Qi Gong Practice” for your mind, body, spirit soul connection.  



Is water sentient? Join Taya as she displays pictures of water crystals based on emotions.  She’ll also share an Algonquin water song.

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